Abortion Pill Reversal
The myth of “Abortion Pill Reversal” has been pushed by Republicans and other anti-abortion actors on TV, Radio and all over social media. Let’s bust some myths and get the facts right.
Patients need medically accurate information, not state-mandated deception, pressure, or shame.
What is an abortion pill reversal?
“Abortion pill reversal” is an anti-abortion marketing term that refers to the experimental administration of high doses of progesterone to pregnant people who have taken the first, but not the second, of two medicines for a medication abortion.
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The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have followed in
strong disapproval of this unethical experiment.
You should know:
According to The Alliance: State Advocated for Women's Rights & Gender Equality's Study, Designed to Deceive, More than one-third of fake clinics promoted "Abortion Pill Reversal.
Wait. Are there actually states requiring this?

8 States
Eight states require medically inacurate information that a medication abourtion can be stopped after the patient takes the first dose of pills.
16 states
Since 2022, a whoping 16 states have introduced legislation requiring doctors to counsel abortion patients on "reversal" as an option.
Ok, but
Who does this affect?
Limiting access to both contraception and abortion, and the barriers fall harder on
Black, Indigenous, people of color
Young people
LGBTQ+ people
People working to make ends meet due to systemic inequities in our health care system.
Even if we remove all barriers to birth control, abortion care will still be necessary and is an integral part of the full spectrum of health care. We must remove harmful barriers to both.
Bottom line, Patients need medically accurate information, not state-mandated deception, pressure, or shame.
Fight Back
The anti-abortion movement’s goal in pushing their false narrative that an “abortion pill reversal” only deceives people, and pushes medically inaccurate information.
Politicians should not interfere with the compassionate, patient-centered care that abortion care providers offer.
Access to birth control is critical to create a future where people can thrive.
Even if we remove all barriers to birth control, abortion care will still be necessary and is an integral part of the full spectrum of health care. We must remove harmful barriers to both.
When they say...
We say...
We should promote “medicines to stop abortion” or “medicines to interrupt the abortion process.” Call it what it is: taking progesterone after the first step of a two-drug regimen for medication abortion.
"Abortion Pill Reversal"
Don't repeat the opposition's narrative!

"Delgado Study"
"It's an unethical experiment"
It’s an unethical and unsupported experiment that feeds into the opposition’s narrative.

Navigating through
Difficult Conversations
Q: "What about the people who do change their minds about abortion?"
In rare cases when someone changes their mind, it's important that they know they can contact their abortion care provider. Patients should be treated with dignity and respect and they deserve to be given medically accurate health information.
Q: "Even if the "reversal" hasn't been proven, why not at least tell people about the possibility?"
People need medically accurate information to make the decision that is right for them. Forcing providers to share misleading information undermines informed consent and interferes with the trusting relationship between provider and patient.